今天我们星海旅游团来到了韩国旅游 Today we Xinghai tour came to Korea Tourism, 第一站我们去济州岛 Our first stop to Jeju Island 济州岛是韩国最大的岛屿 Jeju Island is the largest island in South Korea 是一座典型的火山岛 It is a typical Volcano Island 世界新七大自然奇观之一。 One of the new seven wonders of the world 120万年前火山活动而形成, Formed 1200000 years ago, volcano activities 城山日出峰海拔182米,系10万年前海底火山爆发而形成 Seongsan ilchulbong Peak is 182 meters above sea level, 100000 years ago the volcano erupts and the formation of 位于济州岛东端,是一块高耸的巨岩, Located at the east end of Jeju Island, is a towering rock 其顶部有巨大的火山口。 At the top of the huge volcano 火山口直径600米,深90米,面积达8万多坪。 Volcano mouth diameter of 600 meters, 90 meters deep, area of more than 8 Ping 99块尖石围绕在火山口周围,如同一顶巨大的皇冠。 99 pieces of sharp stones around the volcano, like a huge crown 东南面及北面是悬崖,只有西北面是草坪山脊,与城山村相连。 The southeast and the north is the cliff, only the northwest lawn ridge, connected with the city village 由于山脊上铺了草坪,既可散步,也可骑马。 As the ridge paved lawn, can walk, can also ride a horse
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这就是我们在韩国济州岛所住的DYNE酒店,观看一下 This is what we live in South Korea Jeju Island DYNE Hotel, watch 济州岛给人的感觉呢,非常的干净,而且整洁, Jeju Island has given people the feeling, very clean, and neat 设计呢非常简约,整个酒店环境非常优雅 Design it is very simple, the environment is very elegant hotel
现在就是在济州岛的城山日出峰的山顶上 It is now in the Jeju Castle mountain sunrise peak hill top 济州岛的气候非常凉爽,看一下美丽的景色 The climate of Jeju Island is very cool, look at the beautiful scenery